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Ancient Israel

Ancient Treasures & the Dead Sea Scrolls

Audio enhanced virtual exhibit tracing Israel's history from David to the post-2nd temple era through images of key artifacts & documents such as the David inscription on a stele from Tel Dan, King Uzziah's epitaph, the Community Rule & War scroll from Qumran, & the ossuaries of Caiaphas & a crucified man [Canadian Museum of History].

Identifying an Ancient Battle & Dating the Song of Deborah

Historical & archaeological evidence of the battle that inspired what biblical scholars believe is the oldest piece of Hebraic poetry (posted by Ancient Origins).

Speaking the Language of Canaan

Dennis Bratcher reviews the Israelite appropriation & mutation of ancient non-Hebraic world views in their scriptures (posted by The Voice).

More general resources on Israel are found under the Social World of the Bible.


Hebrew Bible - General

And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible

Ronald L. Ecker catalogs every sexual term & allusion in scripture. While article topics are drawn predominantly from the Hebrew Bible, NT references are also analyzed (Internet Archive) .

The Bible (or Torah) Code

Robert T. Carroll reviews the debate over equidistant letter sequences in the Bible (Skeptic's Dictionary).

Hebrew Scriptures

Extensive collection of annotated links to academic quality electronic resources (courtesy of Spring Hill College Library).

Hidden Messages & the Bible Code

David Thomas analyzes the odds of finding coded messages in the Bible or any text (Skeptical Inquirer).

Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)

On-line course taught by religious studies professor, Christine Hayes (Yale University).

The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

E-journal devoted to the critical study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), edited by Ehud ben Zvi at University of Alberta. First issue (1996-97) includes "Loose Canons: Reflections on the Formation of the Hebrew Bible" by Philip Davies. Articles posted on the web & ready for downloading in major word processor formats.

The Many Names of God

Historical glossary of divine names in Hebrew scripture & its English translations.

Scientific Refutation of the Bible Codes

Computer scientist Brendan McKay maintains website documenting the academic debate spawned by 1994 paper announcing the discovery of coded predictions in the text of the Hebrew Bible (Australian National U).

Song of the Vineyard

Full text of B. Davie Napier's 1962 introduction to the Hebrew Bible (posted by Religion Online).

Targum Texts

Newsletter for Targumic & Cognate Studies posts English translations of Aramaic paraphrases of Hebrew biblical texts used in Palestinian & Babylonian synagogues: including the Pentateuch (both Pseudo-Jonathan & Onkelos) & Megilloth (Song of Songs, Ruth & Lamentations).

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This page was revised 30 January 2023


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